Basic considerations for Star up operations Mexico
Obtain a VISA:
Responsible authority: National Institute
of Migration. Ministry of the Interior.
It requires a visa to conduct business
activities in Mexico that foreigner who enters the national territory in order
to learn about different investment alternatives, make a direct investment or
supervise it, represent a foreign company, or make business transactions. The
General Population Law and its Regulation are the ones that regulate in Mexico
in this matter.
The General requirements:
Official Format of Immigration Procedure
Application, duly answered and signed in original and copy.
Copy and, where appropriate, original for
collation of all the pages of the valid passport of the foreigner.
In the event that the interested party
carries out the procedure through a proxy or a legal representative, he / she
must prove such character with power in his / her favor granted by the
foreigner, and a copy of a valid official identification that contains a
photograph and signature of the attorney-in-fact or legal representative, as
appropriate. procedure must be done before the National Institute of Migration.
The maximum resolution time is 35 calendar days.
How to open a business in Mexico?
Regulation and Registration of Foreign
Responsible authority: Directorate
General of Foreign Investment (DGIE). Ministry of Economy.
The Foreign Investment Law establishes
that foreign investment may participate in any proportion of the capital stock
of Mexican companies, acquire fixed assets, enter new fields of economic
activity or manufacture new lines of products, open and operate establishments,
and expand or relocate those already existing, except for the exceptions
expressly mentioned in said law.
Foreign Investment Law (LIE):
The National Registry of Foreign
Investments (RNIE) is the area of the Federal Government before which foreign
investments that arrive in our country are registered.
The Foreign Investment Law establishes
the various subjects of registration before the RNIE. On the other hand, the
Regulation of the Law of Foreign Investment and of the National Registry of
Foreign Investments indicates the procedure to carry out the corresponding
All these procedures can save them with
American Industries since they take care of those bureaucratic paperwork and
help you to promote the company that you want to make known to the world
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